Sunday, February 24, 2013

They boo'd this?

How is it any of your business what I choose to put in my body if I’m not affecting anyone else?” one student asked.

“First of all, for alleged individualists, you’re very mob-like,” Coulter snarked. “Second of all, it is my business because we are living in a welfare state … Right now, I have to pay for, it turns out, coming down the pike, your health care. I have to pay for your unemployment when you can’t hold a job. I have to pay for your food, for your housing. Yeah, it’s my business!”

Yes, If others didn't have to pay for it, it would not be their business. But if they are forced to pay for it, it is their business. This is not complicated.

The other part is the assumption that it doesn't affect other people. When my alcoholic siblings call my mother at 3 am to resolve a domestic problem... it affects her.

When someone incapacitates themselves and gets behind the wheel of a car... it affects people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gun Free Zone is actually Gun Illegal Zone.

Drug Free Zone is actually Drug Illegal Zone

Alcohol Free Age/Location/Activity is actually etc...

Illegal Aliens problems to America are largely self inflicted.

Legal restrictions to allowable risk create other, and often worse risks.

How a substance, activity, or lifestyle is regulated and dealt with often creates more problems for others than the unrestricted effects of that. I.E. The problems of burglary would be less if we had a bounty on them like coyotes did in an earlier era.